By: Shawne Poplar, MA LPC Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapy is very individual, so no one-size fits! It’s important to ensure a good therapeutic match for the best results. Here are a few pointers on how to select a therapist for your teen.
Step 1: Must Haves List
Make a list of things that are important to you when searching for a therapist. Think of your family's beliefs, core values, and your teen to create this life. Common examples include
Appointment availability
Price range
Insurance type
Step 2: Serch for Therapists
There are a variety of ways to search for therapists. Here are a few! Click the links to learn more.
Your Insurance Company Website
Step 3: Refine your List
Choose 3-5 therapists that meet the requirements of your “Must Haves” List
Step 4: Teen Review
Allow your teen to review the 3-5 therapy websites. Have them take notes are they learn more about each therapist, practice office, and potential specialty. List:
Therapists they would like to try (and a backup in just in case)
Step 5: Selection
There will be a greater likelihood that your teen will like the therapist and buy in because they were involved in the selection process.
Happy hunting!